
Motivated by our goal to end the increasing incidence of cancers worldwide, we are leveraging new scientific discoveries to develop meaningful therapies against the most aggressive cancers. Our team of drug developers, researchers, scientists, and doctors are focusing on cancers with limited treatment options, including rare and late-stage metastatic cancers.

Cancer diagnoses are increasing worldwide

According to IARC/WHO, the number of new cancer cases per year will reach 35 million by 2050, a 77% increase from 2022.

25% of cancer deaths are from rare cancers

Collectively, rare cancers make up for 24% of all cancer diagnosis and 25% of cancer deaths due to lack of healthcare options. 

The mesothelioma 5-year survival rate is 10% worldwide, 12% in the US and a little over 5% in England.

Penn Medicine / Cancer Research UK

Our Values

Respect: Authentic dialogue and interactions strengthen our partnerships

Versatility: Flexibility and agility allow us to embrace opportunities at the right time

Ingenuity: Inventing original ideas and clever solutions is key to all that we do

Optimism: Resilient and positive in each situation we face